09 March 2012

Rail studys released .... here are quick links

Yeah, a big day for news about public transport with the Victorian government releasing the drafts of two major studies.

The Monash Rowville study says it's a great idea with lots of community support. But the devil is in the detail - with The Age saying the plan is effectively derailed. Maybe that's too negative, maybe not. But it does raise agian the question of funding the proposed Melbourne Metro tunnel from South Kensington to South Yarra being built.

The long gestation of a rail link to Doncaster has also stepped forward with three 'themes' being announced. The options include a rail line along the Eastern Freeway, a rail line via Kew Junction and Doncaster Road and a rail link between Doncaster and Box Hill, which would be the first step towards building an ultimate outer orbital rail line according to Transport Minister Mulder. You are now invited to community meetings to discuss the Doncaster themes.

Again the funding of thew new Melbourne Metro looks like the key to the feasibility of both these new rail lines. What's happenning with Melbourne Metro One? Ask your government MP.

FYI Here's a link to Dept of Transport info on Melbourne Metro

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