Comments from letters to MP from commuters:
From a Werribee line customer, there's not much point complaining to Kosky. When the new Werribee Line Timetable comes out, and she's stopping our peak services going through the loop, that's when the complaints will start. She wont realise the impact, until the state election, when her constituents turn on her. Kennett tried to tried to dump on us, and look what happened to him. Western Suburbs people don't forget stupid government decisions.
Western suburbs resident
I urge you not to forget those on the Sydenham line which I believe has well and truly reached capacity during peak hour. It is becoming more and more difficult to board the train at Sunshine each morning not to mention dangerous. Please consider building another train line for the west, or using the train line that currently runs through Ardeer and is only used for Vline trains, perhaps it would better serve the community and in particular residents of Deer Park, Ardeer, Caroline Springs & West Sunshine to have this train line used also for suburban trains. I fear that an accident is going to occur on the Sydenham due to the amount of people that already travel on this line. People are fainting as they are so crammed in, this is only in winter, it is only going to get worse in summer. Please do something to help.
Caroline Springs Resident
Please invest in public transport. We'll happily stay off the roads if the infrastructure is there to make trains viable for us.
Years ago, no one talked about public transport in the office. Now people are retiring early from their city jobs because they can no longer stand the commute. Every day our colleagues have gripes about the trip to work. So much for work/life balance.
Point Cook
The Tarneit link is a stupid idea connecting one desolate suburb to another. We need a connection from Tarneit/Wynham Vale to the Werribee line.
Why is there such a lack of investment into Public Transport. Is there no one in this backward adminstration that can perform a cost analysis on the fact that road tunnels are more expensive than investment into PT. Judging by the cost of feul over the next few years, governments will certainly feel the wrath of their voters as this failure to be visionary sinks in.
Tania, Seddon
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Real Estate
The Sunbury line gets much bad press, but last Friday morning I caught the 7.40am from Sunbury to North Melbourne and it was only about two thirds full and ran on time. There are problems, but letus acknowledge when the trains run well.
Anne, Sunbury
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