16 June 2008

"I am 7 months pregnant at the moment and have had to sit on the floor on many occasions "

Kylee from Melton sent pt4me2 this email after reading the Express Telegraph

Good on you both and everyone else involved in this project. I travel from Melton to the City and return 5 days a week. Each month I submit my monthly ticket with a list on various problems and just get the same default letter back apart from once I received a phone call when I complained online.

Here are some of the problems I encounter almost everyday:
  • overcrowding - getting to the point that there has been one fist fight, Connex train travellers can pack in like sardines but with Vline when there are too many people standing up we are told to get off the train if standing and catch the next train. I am 7 months pregnant at the moment and have had to sit on the floor on many occasions and when I have complained to Vline I was told to try and get there another 5 minutes early - already getting there 10 minutes earlier than the train departs from Southern Cross.
  • Travelling into the city is not so bad. Getting home can be a real problem. We get stuck behind the Connex train from Footscray to Sunshine (stopping all stations). I am really lucky that I have family looking after my two kids otherwise I would not be able to work in the city and unfortunately with my job it is very hard to get a matching salary in the west compared to the city so that is why I travel. If I had my kids in child-care with the times that I would pick them up late I could not afford to work in the city at all.
  • As Melton station has only one validating machine - you are meant to but sometime the line is 20 metres long to validate your ticket at Melton station and if you wait in line you miss the train.
  • Lack of trains. In a growing suburb (3rd fastest growing city in Australia) generally 2 trains an hour is a weekend service not a peak hour service.
  • I would be interested to hear how Deer Park residents travel. Very few people get on this train in an area that is becoming very populated with new housing estates. Why is this so - no seats, little standing room, Zone 2 fare instead of driving 5-10 minutes to Albion or Sunshine for a Zone 1 fare. This station is 20-25 minutes from the city and still has a vline service.
  • The red trains (not sure what these are called) are just so slow and out of date.

Whats your experience of the Melton service?


Anonymous said...

Public Meeting

Please come along & help us - Tell the

State Government!!!

Improve the

DEER PARK Train Line NOW!!!

“HAVE YOUR SAY” - I am asking all residents to come along and express their views on the priority of the electrification for the Deer Park – Melton Train Line. Submissions are being called for by the State Government for comments on extra roads & rail services in the Western Suburbs. This is our chance to send a strong message. Closing date for submissions is 15 July2008. The State Government will make a decision soon – This is our chance for our community to get improved services on the DEER PARK Train Line.

JOIN THE DEER PARK Train Line Group :- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=18776036493

For more Information:-

KEN CAPAR Mobile:0400 898 823 Email: kenc@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Time: 7pm

Date: Thursday, 10 July 2008

Where: Sassella Park Community Centre

121 Station Road, Deer Park (Melways Ref: 25, F9)

Anonymous said...


Public Meeting

Please come along & help us - Tell the State Government!!!

Improve the DEER PARK Train Line NOW!!!

“HAVE YOUR SAY” - I am asking all residents to come along and express their views on the priority of the electrification for the Deer Park – Melton Train Line. Submissions are being called for by the State Government for comments on extra roads & rail services in the Western Suburbs. This is our chance to send a strong message. Closing date for submissions is 15 July2008. The State Government will make a decision soon – This is our chance for our community to get improved services on the DEER PARK Train Line.

Time: 7pm
Date: Thursday, 10 July 2008
Where: Sassella Park Community Centre
121 Station Road, Deer Park (Melways Ref: 25, F9)

For more Information:-
KEN CAPAR Mobile:0400 898 823 Email: kenc@brimbank.vic.gov.au

Anonymous said...

i am wondering why connex hasnt taken this peice of line and put the electric trains through to deer park as this could be the first stages of electrifying the melton line which is long overdue by twenty years whern i first lived in melton in 1974 there was talk then of electrification to melton this will become reality when every one starts to push hard every politician is full of promises but no has got off their backside and followed through.whent he tarneit werribee line is put in their should be plans for electric trains as well its about time time pollies though about twenty years down the track not what we needed yesterday lets get the planning right and start looking ahead