The recent State Government budget includes cash to buy ten new trains to arrive by late 2009.
There’s also a new timetable with extra services especially on the Broadmeadows, Sandringham, Werribee, Dandenong, Cranbourne and Hurstbridge lines.
In the meantime, what can be done to ease-the-squeeze on Melbourne trains and trams? Share your ideas at pt4me2 ...
Could in-bound suburbanites bound for Southern Cross get on VLine services in the morning peak (if they travel from stations where they stop)? I travel from Newport and often see a VLine train pull in with plenty of spare seats, 4 minutes before my totally packed Connex service. Surely some passengers could make use of this space at least until the system is improved?
I am amazed that a city as world class and cosmopolitan as Melbourne, still has the older style non-heated, non-air-conditioned trains in service with smelly old seats, drafty doors & windows and worse still, the noise is just horrific, both inside and out. We should not be subjected to these older style trains any more, so I welcome the recent announcement of an additional 10 trains to the system. Now all we need are more Velocity trains for Regional Victoria.
Citizen- journalist - you obvioulsy haven't caught a VLine train recently - they are crowded enough without taking suburban passengers. I caught a Bendigo train on Friday in the middle of the day and had to sit on the floor to Sunbury. What we need is more trains, and we need them now. Changing from 10 to 18 is a start, we need to move that up very soon, including regional services. We also need to have more expresses
I just saw an for new Sydney trains - 200 of them ! 18 is not really trying.
Parking congestion is a major problem at Laverton - it will get worse with more services.
I think there should be a light rail from Point Cook RAAF Base, through Sancuarly Lakes Shopping Center, through the new shopping centre and on to Airport Station... either that or direct from Sanctuary Lakes shops to Airport Station. The road traffic up and down Point Cook Rd will be an increasing problem.
Any Comments - does anyone know if the Government has considered this option?
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